Provost Ocampo visits White House for brunch with President Biden and Catholic leaders
Event celebrated St. Patrick’s Day, included prominent local, national and international leaders of Catholic faith.
From Provost Dr. Carlota Ocampo:
“Trinity at the White House – again! In my role as Provost, I was invited to a St. Patrick’s Day celebration for Catholic Leaders with President Biden and prominent local, national and international leaders of Catholic faith. I had the good fortune to be seated with Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, former Lt. Governor of Maryland, Rachel Swarns, NYT reporter and author of The 272, and Dr. Brian Corbin, VP at Catholic Charities, USA, among other inspiring leaders. There were many friends of Trinity in attendance; Trinity is renowned for its continuing education mission, historic and present! I was so pleased to be able to share a few words with President Biden as Trinity’s representative, and to take part in the warm celebration of heritage and Catholic social teaching in action.”
Trinity Washington University
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