Why Choose Trinity?
More Individual Support
Trinity keeps class sizes small: your professors know your name and work with you individually on any challenges.
More Affordable
Trinity’s tuition is the lowest among private schools in the area, and financial aid options lower costs even further. Many DC residents pay nothing out-of-pocket!
Better Location
Our beautiful campus is five minutes away from all the opportunities offered in downtown Washington, DC, like top-notch internships and fun things to do.
Personal Help Transferring
Your dedicated transfer recruiter will guide you through the process. Contact them today with any questions!
Your Transfer Recruiter

Steps to Transfer
1. Complete your application online. The application fee will be waived!
A cumulative average of “C” or above is required for admissions in addition to being in good academic standing at previous schools.
Trinity offers rolling admissions. Applications are reviewed as they are received. We recommend that you complete your application as soon as possible as programs can close if full capacity is met.
We strongly encourage international students to apply early to allow us time to process paperwork and ask for additional documents if required.
2. Submit transcripts.
Official transcripts from all your previous institutions must be submitted to the Admissions Office electronically via parchment, Clearinghouse or at admissions@trinitydc.edu. OR mail the official print version to: Trinity Office of Admissions, 125 Michigan Avenue NE Washington, DC 20017. Please note that official transcripts are those that are sealed i.e. the transcript is still in the envelope unopened.
Students with less than 24 transferable credits at the time of application must submit official high school transcripts.
If you attended a non-US school, you must complete a course-by-course evaluation by one of the National Associations of Credentials Evaluation Services. Review the International Students website for additional requirements.
3. Review your chosen program web page for additional application requirements.
Will My Credits Transfer?
Trinity accepts credits from institutions that are recognized by the United States Department of Education (USDE) and the Commission on Higher Education (CHEA). These associations include regional accreditors; but are not limited to them.
Applicants may also transfer credits through Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), American Council on Education, CLEP and portfolio/experiential assessments. For more information, check to Academic Catalog.
Transfer Credit Maximum
Students can transfer up to 75 credits to Trinity. To meet the residency requirement for graduation, 45 credits of the 120 required for the bachelor’s degree must be completed at Trinity.
Grade Requirements
The course must have been completed with a final grade of “C” or better, although certain academic programs require higher grades to count toward major or minor requirements. Transfer courses taken at the undergraduate level must be applicable to Trinity’s liberal arts curricula. These courses may satisfy general education and elective requirements; program chairs will determine if the courses may satisfy prerequisite, major, or minor field requirements.
Non-Transferrable Coursework
- Developmental or Remedial Courses
- Courses that are not letter graded
Coming to a Campus near you!
It’s Even Easier from Certain Schools
With credits from certain programs in the following schools, you can easily transfer to Trinity with up to half of your bachelor’s degree already completed!
Borough of Manhattan Community College
To Apply: BMCC students can reach out to their advisors to follow the pre-transfer curricula at BMCC and can apply to Trinity in their final semester at BMCC.
Trinity’s BMCC articulation agreement includes the following programs, which have been reviewed and aligned for guaranteed transfer by program faculty and academic affairs:
BMCC Program | Degree | Trinity Program | College Unit | Degree |
Business Administration | AS | Business Administration | CAS | BA |
Business Administration | AS | Business Administration | SPS | BS |
Criminal Justice | AA | Criminal Justice | CAS | BA |
Criminal Justice | AA | Criminal Justice | SPS | BA |
Liberal Arts | AA | Various Programs | CAS & SPS | BA/BS |
Nursing | AAS | RN-BSN (On-line) | NHP BSN | |
Psychology | AA | Psychology | CAS | BA |
Psychology | AA | Psychology | SPS | BA |
Public Health | AS | Public Health | NHP | BS |
College of Southern Maryland
Current as of 2015: AS to BSN Provides guaranteed admission to Trinity for students meeting criteria and outlines a systematic plan for student to continue beyond the AS degree through collaboration between CSM and Trinity’s BSN program.
Montgomery County Community College
AAS in Criminal Justice to BA in Criminal Justice
Trinity will transfer up to 61 Montgomery College AAS-CJ course credits toward the 120 credit Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice in the School of Professional and Graduate Studies, Trinity’s evening and weekend program for adult learners. The automatic transfer of up to half the credits needed for this degree means you start Criminal Justice courses right away, on-track to complete your bachelor’s degree at Trinity
AA in International Affairs to BA in Global Affairs
Have you earned a 2.5 GPA or higher in the AA in International Affairs at Montgomery College? Then you have also earned guaranteed admission to Trinity’s BA in Global Affairs in the College of Arts & Sciences in accordance with Trinity’s transfer admission policies. All courses in which you received a C or better will be automatically transferred to Trinity, and you may be able to start your program with up to half of your BA credits already on your transcript!
Northern Virginia Community College
Current agreement in perpetuity Provides guaranteed admission for students meeting criteria. Students completing an AA (Associate of Arts) are awarded all lower division courses (general education) at Trinity (“block transfer”).
Prince George’s County Community College
AAS in Health Information Management, Medical Assisting, or Radiology to BA in Health Services
With your AAS from PGCC in one of these health fields in hand, you will transfer to Trinity’s BA in Health Services with junior status if you meet transfer requirements. If you’ve achieved a 2.0 overall GPA and no grade below a C in transfer courses, your Trinity admission is guaranteed! You may transfer to either the full-time, daytime women’s College of Arts and Sciences or the co-ed evening and weekend School of Professional and Graduate Studies with your general education requirements met. As a junior, you will immediately begin your major program and will be on track to completing your degree!
AAT in Early Childhood Education or Early Childhood Special Education to BA in Early Childhood Education
With your AAT from PGCC in one of these early childhood education fields in hand, you will transfer to Trinity’s BA in Early Childhood Education in the School of Professional and Graduate Studies with junior status if you meet transfer requirements. If you’ve achieved a 2.5 overall GPA and no grade below a C in transfer courses, your Trinity admission is expedited! Trinity may transfer up to 75 credits toward the bachelor’s degree with your general education requirements met. As a junior, you will immediately begin your major program and will be on track to completing your degree!
Other Special Transfer Programs
- College of Southern Maryland
- Howard County Community College
- Northern Virginia Community College
Contact admissions@trinitydc.edu to find out how easy it is to transfer to Trinity Washington University and quickly earn your bachelor’s degree.
Frequently Asked Questions
Transfer Admissions Process
What percentage of transfer applicants are accepted each year?
Trinity accepts all transfer students who meet the transfer requirements of a 2.0 GPA and at least 24 credits. Students with less than 24 credits must follow the first-year requirements for admissions and submit college and high school transcripts.
How long will it take to obtain an admission decision?
Trinity offers rolling admissions. Once we accept the application and all transcripts, we will review the packet for admissions.
How do I send my AP scores to Trinity?
Contact College Board at www.collegeboard.org.
Does a “C-” that I earned at another college transfer to Trinity?
Trinity does not accept any grade lower than a C (such as C-, D+, D or F). Courses in which an applicant received a C (75%) or better are transferrable. Courses that are letter graded (P, NP, S) are generally not transferrable.
Where do I send my transcript(s)?
Transcripts can be sent electronically via Parchment, Clearinghouse or electronically at admissions@trinity.edu. Transcripts also can be mailed to Trinity Office of Admissions, 125 Michigan Avenue NE Washington, DC 20017.
I opened the envelope that my transcript was sent in. Can I submit that transcript?
No. Only transcripts in sealed envelopes with unbroken signature or stamp across the back seal are considered official. Although the unofficial transcript can be used for provisional admissions into the university, Trinity requires that all transcripts be official. Once you receive the transcript envelope, please do not open it.
I have attended more than one college/university, do I need to submit my transcript from every school?
Yes. Trinity requires applicants to send official transcripts from all colleges/universities previously attended. Not sending transcripts could delay your admission decision.
I am an international student. How do I receive credit for courses taken in another country?
International students should follow https://www2.trinitydc.edu/admissions/international-applicants/.
What is the maximum number of credits that I can transfer?
The maximum number a student can transfer to Trinity is 75. Students must complete 45 of 60 credits at Trinity to meet residency requirements and earn a Trinity degree.
Does Trinity require a high school transcript if I am a transfer student?
No. Transfer students with 24 credits do not need to submit high school transcripts.
Does my GPA transfer?
GPAs do not transfer. Credits transfer are noted on the Trinity transcript as “TR”. Grade points do not transfer; therefore the Trinity GPA is calculated from courses taken at Trinity.
Is a letter of recommendation or essay required for transfer admission?
This requirement is optional. However, if an applicant desires to tell us something special about themselves, the essay is welcomed.
Can I be directly admitted to my major if I am admitted to Trinity?
It depends. While students with advanced status can generally be directly admitted into liberal arts major, some programs (like nursing) have special pre-requisites. Consult your program for possible additional requirements.
Does Trinity accept military credits?
Yes. Trinity will accept military credits when they are evaluated by the American Council on Education (ACE). Students should present their ACE transcript for course transfer.
Where can I find information about the transfer process?
Information about Trinity’s transfer process can be found on the Transfer Website.
Transfer Courses
How does Trinity convert quarter hours into semester hours?
Trinity divides quarter hours by 1.5. For example: 4 quarter hours converts to 2.67 semester hours; 5 quarter hours converts to 3.33 semester hours.
How do I know if or how my courses will transfer?
Trinity accepts credits from institutions that are accredited by an accrediting organization recognized by the United States Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education. Your recruiter will be able to provide you with guidance on what credits will transfer.
I have met the general education requirements at my former college/university. Do I have to take any additional general education courses at Trinity?
Trinity is a transfer-friendly institution. We are committed to collaborating with students who have completed general education courses at other institutions with the intent of minimizing additional general education courses. Students who transfer from an institution where there is an articulation agreement for block transfer are waived from additional general education requirements. Students with at least 30 credits are waived from select foundational courses. Transfer students with at least 60 credits are exempt from completing the general education capstone seminar.
My institution is not on the semester or quarter system, does not use a 4.0 grading scale, or provides narrative transcripts (I do not have a GPA). Will Trinity transfer my credits?
Yes, it is likely that Trinity will be able to derive equivalencies and assign credit for these courses. In many cases, Trinity has accepted these credits not just as electives, but also to meet General Education or even major requirements, depending on the student’s standing.
Transfer Scholarship
Where can I go to find scholarships to pay for my education?
98% of the students who apply to Trinity receive some type of financial packet. Go to Trinity’s Financial Aid page for more information. https://discover.trinitydc.edu/financial-aid/
Once I’ve Been Admitted
Now that I have been admitted, what are my next steps?
Congratulations! You must accept the Declaration of Intent (DOI) offer in your student portal. Shortly thereafter, you will receive a phone call from your recruiter with some next steps.
Who is my academic advisor?
Your academic advisor is assigned to you based on your program of study. Your recruiter will be able to tell you who your advisor is. You will also receive this information in the mail.
How long does it take for me to receive the evaluation of my credits?
You will receive a preliminary evaluation when you meet with your academic advisor.
Where do I find my credit evaluation?
Once they’d been added to your transcript, they can be seen in Starfish and on your transcript.
Why didn’t all my transfer credits apply to my degree?
Trinity will transfer all applicable courses up to the 75 credit maximum. These courses are transferred as general education, major, minor and elective courses as appropriate. If they are transferred, they will fulfill one of these areas of your academic plan.
How do I appeal the evaluation of my credits?
If you feel there is an error in one of your transferred courses, you may appeal the transcript evaluation by contacting Dr. Reginald Stroble at strobler@trinitydc.edu.
Since I have been admitted, do I really need to send my final transcript?
Yes. Your admissions to Trinity was granted based on your unofficial transcript. We kindly request that you submit your official transcript to finalize the process.
Is there an orientation for new students?
Yes. Orientation is held at the beginning of each semester for new students.
Is orientation mandatory?
Yes. Trinty believes that the best students are the most informed students. Orientation will provide you with information about the university’s resources and services that will assist you to be a successful student.
Other Questions
Does Trinity have housing for transfer students?
Yes. Transfer students may select a double or single room in Cuvilly Hall. More information about campus housing can be found at https://discover.trinitydc.edu/campus-housing/
Trinity’s free application is easy and your application will be reviewed right away – admissions recruiters are available to help you with any questions.
Trinity participates in the Common App so you can apply in just a few clicks! There’s no fee and no additional questions – just add Trinity Washington University.