Trinity’s Dr. Kimberly Monroe named Mellon Emerging Faculty Leader
Dr. Kimberly Monroe, historian and member of Trinity’s Global Affairs faculty, has been named a Mellon Emerging Faculty Leader by the Institute for Citizens and Scholars. Dr. Monroe is one of ten amazing young faculty chosen for this year’s MEFL class, read about them here: https://citizensandscholars.org/2024-mellon-emerging-faculty-leaders/.
“I am excited to be selected as a recipient of the 2024 Mellon Emerging Faculty Leaders Award! It’s such an honor to have not only my research but also my work on behalf of Trinity students recognized in this way. It is truly an honor to represent Trinity amongst faculty from across the United States.”
– Dr. Kimberly Monroe
Dr. Monroe’s colleagues in this group hail from many distinguished universities including UCLA, Emory Brandeis, the University of Michigan and others. These leaders are “…committed to the creation of an inclusive campus community for underrepresented students and scholars” with their scholarship focusing on “…critical issues such as religion, immigration, public policy, and race.” They “…also take on additional campus responsibilities like mentoring, serving on advisory councils, working with underrepresented students, and giving additional talks and lectures.”
Trinity is grateful to Dr. Monroe for all her incredible work, and congratulates her on a well earned award!
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More Trinity news stories about Dr. Monroe:
- Dr. Kimberly Monroe Presents Research at the Black Europe Summer School (BESS) Symposium in Amsterdam, Netherlands (July, 2023)
- Dr. Kimberly Monroe honored by Adidas for her work as a community organizer, author and scholar (April, 2023)
- Dr. Kimberly F. Monroe Presents at the University of Cape Coast in Ghana (June, 2021)
- Dr. Monroe, Trinity Students to Present at Tuskegee U. History Symposium (February, 2021)
Learn more about Dr. Kimberly Monroe.
Learn from Dr. Monroe and other amazing Trinity Professors!
Learn more about the following degree programs, and apply to attend Trinity today!
- Global Affairs
- History
- Africana Studies (Minor)
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