Continuing Education courses are at a graduate level in an intensive format to meet the scheduling needs of our full-time working students. The thirty hours of instruction are equivalent to a minimum of thirty one hour class meetings if the course took place over a full semester. Participation in class lectures, discussions, and other activities related to a particular course is an essential part of the instruction process. For this reason, your full attendance is required to pass our courses. If you know in advance of registering that you are unable to attend ALL scheduled meetings, do not register for that course; please consider taking the course in another session. If an emergency arises such as an illness, death in the family, or other unexpected emergency circumstance, the student is responsible for notifying the instructor as soon as possible and will be required to provide documentation to verify the emergency. Reporting the absence does not exempt a student from fulfilling all course requirements.
Taking a Praxis test is not an unexpected emergency and is not an excused absence. Please do not register for a course that will conflict with a Praxis test that will cause you to miss any class time.
Due to the intensive nature of these courses, grades will be affected because of absence and could be lowered by as much as 25% for missing one class. Students who miss more than 25% of any course due to an excused, emergency absence may be required to repeat the course to receive credit and/or a passing grade. Students who miss the first class will not be permitted to take the course. Students who arrive more than an hour late to the first class meeting will need permission from the Office of Continuing Education to join the class.
If an unexpected emergency occurs preventing a student in an online class from submitting their work on time, documentation of an unexpected emergency must be submitted to the Director for verification. If the absence is approved as excused, an extension deadline will be discussed. See the Online Courses website for more participation guidelines relating to online courses.
Course Cancellations
The University reserves the right to cancel courses, change meeting places, or make other changes that the University deems appropriate. Every effort is made to notify participants of course cancellations prior to the start of the course. If a course is canceled, all tuition and fees will be refunded unless the student selects another course to replace the canceled one.
Course Confirmation
Students who submit paper registrations by fax or mail will receive a registration confirmation by mail. Students will be contacted if there are any scheduling changes or if the course is canceled or full at the time the registration form is received. Students who register online can print a schedule confirmation from a personal computer at the time of registration or later by returning to Self-Service and clicking on the “Schedules” tab.
Disability Support Services
Any student who is taking Continuing Education (CE) classes and may need accommodations for a disability, must register with Disability Support Services (DSS).
Please complete the following steps:
- Submit an Accommodation Registration Intake Form
- After submitting your intake form, please submit Supportive Documentation to DSS.
- When the above steps are completed, you will meet with DSS staff to discuss accommodations and next steps.
If you are a CE student who requires interpreter services (ASL), you must also complete the online request at least four (4) weeks prior to your class start date. Doing so will allow DSS ample time to secure certified American Sign Language interpreters. Note: this is not submitted in lieu of registering with DSS for accommodations; both are required.
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Participants who have registered for a course and wish to drop/add must complete a Drop/Add/Withdraw Form before the first class. A course may not be dropped or added after it has begun. A $50 administrative fee is assessed for all drops. A drop fee will not be assessed when dropping and adding a course within the same semester.
Participants may choose to withdraw from a course after the start date by submitting the Drop/Add/Withdraw Form prior to the course end date. Withdrawing prevents a failing grade, however, tuition is non-refundable after a course begins.
Note: The drop policy is current as of the Fall 2024 semester. It is subject to change in future semesters.
Early Registration
Early registration helps to ensure course availability. Please register at least one week before the course start dates to avoid a $50 late registration fee. Registration discounts are only available if you register for credit courses online. The Online Registration Discount does not apply to the non-credit Praxis I Preparation courses. Refer to the the current schedule on our homepage or our How to Register website for online registration deadlines for each session.
Admission to the graduate-level Continuing Education courses is open to anyone who has minimally attained a Bachelor’s degree. Students who have not taken a course at Trinity must provide an undergraduate transcript, Bachelor’s (or higher) diploma, or a teacher’s license that indicates a Bachelor’s degree or higher when submitting a completed registration form or Online Login/Password Request Form.
Participation in educational development/continuing education courses through the Office of Continuing Education does not constitute admission or application to Trinity’s degree programs (M.A., M.A.T., M.Ed., M.S.A., or other credentials). Continuing Education courses are not part of the curriculum for Trinity’s Master’s programs and courses cannot be applied toward these degree and certification programs. For information about Trinity’s comprehensive graduate programs, please call the Admissions Office at 202-884-9400.
Employer Paid Tuition
If your employer is paying part or all of your tuition, obtain a letter of intent or purchase order from your employer. It must include your name, social security number, amount to be paid, billing address, and the original signature of the person(s) authorizing payment. This documentation must be provided when the paper registration form is submitted. The release of the grade will be withheld until payment is received. DCPS teachers must submit the following information to the Office of Continuing Education: a copy of the registration form, including the name of their school, and a copy of their DCPS Form 1000. The University will not bill in order to reimburse the student. Students who submit billing authorization cannot register online.
Tuition for graduate level Continuing Education credit courses is $530. (The audit tuition is $265. Audit registrations cannot be processed online and require permission from the director.) If a course requires a book and/or materials fee, students will be notified on the first day of class. All registrations with required documentation and payment must be submitted seven calendar days prior to the class start date to avoid a $50 late registration fee. Registrations are accepted on a space available basis. Full payment is required at the time of registration. Registrations and payments will not be accepted after the start time of an in person online live – synchronous classes; online class asynchronous class registrations and payments will be accepted until 11:59 pm on the class start date. A $50 administrative fee is assessed for all drops. The late fee and drop fee are non-refundable.
Each course awards three graduate-level credits (with the exception of non credit Praxis preparation courses). Letter grades are issued at the end of the courses. Grades cannot be given over the telephone. Students who register online will be able to access their grades online within 72 hours of the completion of the course through Self-Service, Trinity’s Online Registration and Student Account Program. To request an official transcript, please visit the Enrollment Services website for directions. Please see the Grade Appeals section below for questions about appealing a final course grade.
Incompletes are not available for Continuing Education courses. If course work is not finished due to a documented unexpected emergency, students may be given no longer than a ten day extension to complete any missed work during the time of the emergency. If a course grade is due prior to the extension end date, students will receive the grade earned to that point until the instructor submits a grade change.
Late work will not be accepted without a documented unexpected emergency. All course work is to be original and not part of any other assignments for other courses. The content of ALL assignments (papers, article reviews, PowerPoint presentations, etc.) must be properly cited in APA style citation. Failure to use proper citation in any graded assignment or activity may result in a finding of plagiarism leading to a failing grade without tuition reimbursement. Students failing a course due to plagiarism will be ineligible to apply for EDU 890A Educational Administrative Internship.
Use this resource to ensure all work is properly cited: Purdue Online Writing Lab – APA Style Citation
Grade Appeals
Students may submit an appeal to change a final grade only in cases where the final grade is lower than a “B”. The student first submits a written letter to the course instructor in order to resolve the issue no later than three weeks after the beginning of the semester following that in which the grade was assigned. The instructor will respond to the student in writing within three weeks.
If the student and instructor do not resolve the matter, the student may appeal the grade in writing to the Dean of the Office of Continuing Education no later than one week after the date on the instructor’s response. The Dean may mediate the issue for three weeks after the date on the instructor’s written response to the student.
The Dean’s decision about the issue represents the final resolution of a dispute for a grade lower than a “B”.
Parking on Campus
A parking permit is required to park on Trinity’s campus (see map). Parking in lots designated for faculty and staff or on Michigan Avenue may result in a ticket. A special permit for Continuing Education students will be distributed by the instructor at the start of the first class meeting. There is no charge for this permit. Permits are not required for off-site locations.
Participants who have registered for a course and wish to drop must complete a Drop/Add/Withdraw Form before the first class. Students may not drop a class after it begins. A $50 administrative fee is assessed for all drops. Refunds will be processed in two to three weeks. No refunds will be issued after the course start date.
Note: The drop policy is current as of the Fall 2024 semester. It is subject to change in future semesters.
Registrations are accepted on a “first-paid” basis. Payment for all tuition/fees is required with the submission of the registration form in order to reserve your space in a course. Partial payments, post-dated checks, payment plans, and telephone requests to hold a space are not accepted. Registration forms will be returned if the tuition and fees are not included. Registration will continue on a space-available basis until each course is filled. Registrations and payments will not be accepted after the start time of an in person class; online class registrations and payments will be accepted 24-hours prior to start date. A $50 non-refundable late registration fee will be charged to all students whose registration materials are received less than seven calendar days prior to the class start date. Online registrations through Self-Service are finalized after credit or debit card payments are approved.
Returned Checks
If the University receives final notice of a check being returned for any reason, you will be notified to pay all outstanding charges immediately and assessed a $30 returned check fee.
Room Schedules
Due to enrollment fluctuations, room schedules are confirmed the day before the start of the courses. Please check the room signs posted in the Main Hall lobby at Trinity on the first day of class. Trinity Campus room assignments can also be viewed online 24 hours prior to the start of the course. Room assignments for off-campus locations will be posted near the main entrance of the building.
Specialty Classes, Customized Training, and/or Teaching In-Service
The Office of Continuing Education provides on-site training for schools, businesses, and organizations. Whether you require skill development in a specific discipline, new skills training, or a comprehensive series of courses, we can assist you. Courses can be offered at your location or on Trinity’s campus, with days and times arranged at your convenience. Your school can benefit from the customized professional training offered by Trinity. If your counselors and/or administrators need to develop their teaching specialization, counseling techniques, classroom management, leadership skills, or just want to work better as a team, contact the Office of Continuing Education at 202-884-9301 to tailor a successful program for you.
University Closures
If an emergency develops requiring school closing, call the Office of Continuing Education at 202-884-9300 to listen to important updates. The Trinity main weather hotline/website might not include information about closings at our off-site locations, such as Parkdale High School, thus, it is important to call the Office of Continuing Education directly for an announcement impacting our courses.