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Administrator I Course Offerings

The office of Continuing Education offers 6 courses for teachers to meet requirements for the Administrator I certification in Maryland. However, these course offerings may meet other state requirements as applicable. Upon completion of the following six requirements, students may submit transcript documentation to their respective licensure offices.  We encourage all students wishing to use the six courses for Admin I certification to have them approved by MSDE or their respective certification office.  The Trinity transcript will reflect the completion of the respective courses; the transcript will not indicate the completion of a degree, certification program, or state-approved teacher preparation program.

Courses that meet Admin I Requirements

  • EDU 945              Curriculum Development
  • EDU 856A            Legal Issues in Education
  • EDU 680A            Leadership for the 21st Century
  • EDU 790A            Organization and Leadership of Schools through Administration
  • EDU 597A            Supervision and Professional Development in a K-12 Setting
  • EDU 890A            Educational Administration Internship

Educational Administration Internship - Fall 2024 Application

To qualify for the final internship course, participants must be teachers with three or more years of teaching experience and a master’s degree from an accredited university in addition to the courses above. An approved MSDE evaluation showing all requirements for Admin I Certification in Maryland have been met (except for the internship/practicum requirement) is also required to qualify for the final internship course.

The internship is based on the PSEL standards which are school based standards and required by MSDE. Applicants in positions that are not school based may still be accepted, but will need access to a school in order to successfully complete all internship requirements.

Please read the information below for all requirements to apply for this special opportunity.

Fall 2024 Semester Internship: 

Full attendance to all course dates is mandatory. Ensure your availability on all dates listed below prior to submitting your application.

Dates: 5 Saturday meetings on Zoom from 8:30-2:30 – Sep 7, Oct 19, Dec 7, Jan 25, Mar 1

Application Deadline: August 1, 2024

Click here to download the application.

Do not wait until the deadline to submit your complete application packet as they are reviewed in the order by which they have been received and only if complete. Space is limited and applications not accepted due to space limitations may be held for spring 2025.

EDU 890A Application Requirements – Application requirements may change

  1. Master’s degree from an accredited university
  2. MD State Teaching Certificate – If you are not currently or have never taught in MD, you will need to initial next to this item in your application to indicate your understanding that this internship was designed to meet MD requirements only.
  3. Statement of Purpose (for becoming an administrator):In 500 – 1,000 words, please explain why or how this internship will assist you in meeting your professional goals and share how your previous experience will contribute to the program.
  4. Resume/Curriculum Vitae
  5. Completed On-Site School Mentor Form – available within the application file and to be completed by the on-site mentor
  6. Letter of Recommendation from chosen On-Site Mentor
  7. Approved evaluation (from MSDE) showing all requirements for Admin I Certification have been met except for the internship requirement. (Not necessary if all five pre-requisite courses were taken at Trinity. Students are responsible for ensuring all certification requirements have been met prior to applying to the internship.)
  8. Complete all five prerequisite courses. At least two of the five courses must be taken at Trinity. One of the two courses must be a leadership or supervision course (EDU 597A, EDU 680A, EDU 790A).
  9. Transcripts for required courses taken outside of Trinity with a GPA of 3.0 for all graduate level course work. Trinity transcripts do not need to be submitted.

After application requirements have been evaluated, students with complete applications will be contacted in the order by which they have been received, until the respective EDU 890A course(s) fills.  Students will then be expected to pay the tuition** in full upon notification from the Office of Continuing Education.

** Tuition for EDU 890A is $1060.

Course Descriptions

EDU 945  Curriculum Development This course introduces students to the principles of curriculum theory and development. Attention is given to current practices and curriculum reform movements.

EDU 856A  Legal Issues in Education  This course highlights major legal issues affecting teachers and administrators. Emphasis is placed upon legal issues such as negligence, desegregation, rights and responsibilities of teachers, academic freedom, students’ rights, and school attendance. This class is highly interactive with discussions, simulations, and case studies.

EDU 680A  Leadership for the 21st Century This course explores the critical issues in school leadership for the 21st century. This class focuses on leadership skills; technology for teachers, students and administrators; alternative methods of student assessment; demographics of future population; and parent/community expectations.

EDU 790A  Organization and Leadership of Schools through Administration This course will define the many aspects of an administrator’s influence and impact on a school environment. Participants will examine how factors of teacher assessment and development, academic advancement, as well as how school and community outreach play a part in a school’s overall success. Students will develop strategic planning skills to evaluate the organization of a school community’s relationships and responsibilities and how they correlate with pupil achievement. Participants will explore the role of staff professional development.

EDU 597A  Supervision and Professional Development in a K-12 Setting This course will focus on instruction paradigms and clinical supervision techniques.  Strategies for supervision methods will be modeled to include professional communication skills in convening parent meetings as well as evaluating teacher performance, creating improvement plans and developing professional learning communities.   Participants will develop and present a plan to apply methodology of real life scenarios.

EDU 890A  Educational Administration Internship** This course is designed to accompany an internship within a K-12 school setting and partner with an experienced on site administrator.  The course is intended to guide participants throughout their practicum experience by incorporating administrative practices throughout their internship that were explored in the administrative courses leading up to the internship.  This course will have class meetings at the start, middle and end of their experience to allow students to integrate the support, consultation and inspiration of their university supervisor as well as their peers. In compliance with the Professional Standards for Educational Leadership (PSEL),  the course will include two hundred forty hours of performance-based administrative experience in the field over a six month period.

** Tuition for EDU 890A is $1060. This course is worth 6 graduate level credits. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I apply for the Admin I Certification Program through Continuing Education?

We offer all courses necessary for Admin I in Maryland, however, this is not a certification program. You will not receive the certification from Trinity. Upon completion of the following six requirements, students may submit transcript documentation to the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) to seek Maryland Administrator I certification.  We encourage all students wishing to use the six courses for Admin I certification to have them approved by MSDE or their respective certification office.  The Trinity transcript will reflect the completion of the respective courses; the transcript will not indicate completion of a degree or a certification program.

Can I transfer the Admin I courses I have already taken to Trinity?

No, but you may still use them toward the certification and take your remaining courses with Trinity. Only two of the five prerequisite courses must be taken at Trinity in order to be eligible for the internship. One of those courses must be a leadership or supervision course (EDU 597A, EDU 680A, or EDU 790A). An MSDE evaluation showing the acceptance of any courses taken outside of Trinity will need to be submitted with the internship application.

I took all five prerequisite courses at Trinity. Do I have to submit an MSDE evaluation with my internship application?

No, but you should still look into getting one. There are requirements beyond coursework and it is important for you to know if you will meet all of those requirements upon completion of the internship.

How do I get an evaluation from MSDE?

Contact your local certification office or MSDE. You will need to submit transcripts of any completed coursework.

Is there a specific order in which I should take the five prerequisite courses?

No, the order of these courses is not important. You must make sure to finish your coursework prior to applying for the internship course.

When should I finish my coursework in order to apply for the internship?

The internship course is only offered in the Fall and Spring semesters. The Fall Internship generally starts in September and the Spring Internship Generally starts in January. There is an application process with a deadline and all five prerequisite courses must be complete prior to applying. Deadline and application information is updated on this page per semester when available.

Fall internship – Applications are due in late August or early September. Complete coursework no later than the end of July. In general the second online asynchronous session in the summer will not end in time for a fall internship application.

Spring internship – Applications are due in December. Fall courses should end in time to submit your application by the due date, but it is recommended to get coursework done by the end of summer or early fall.

Applications for the internship are only reviewed when complete and on a first come first serve basis. Complete coursework early and submit your application early. Do not wait for the application due date! Space is limited!

What is the format of the internship course? 

The internship meets on Saturdays from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm at Trinity starting in the fall or spring semester. Attendance to class meetings is mandatory. There is online instruction through Moodle as well.

Career and Technology Educator Course Offerings

The office of Continuing Education offers courses for teachers to meet certification requirements for Career and Technology Educators in Maryland.  Upon completion of the following courses, students may submit transcript documentation to the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) to seek Maryland certification.  We encourage all students wishing to use these courses for certification to have them approved by MSDE or their respective certification office prior to registration.  The Trinity transcript will reflect the completion of the respective courses; the transcript will not indicate completion of a degree or a certification program.

Course Descriptions

Methods of Teaching

EDU 512A Methods of Instruction and Assessment for the STEM and Career Technology Educator
This course focuses on planning, delivering, and assessing instruction in professional and technical education classrooms. It prepares educators to develop instructional plans, write performance objectives, identify appropriate instructional strategies, develop instructional materials, and utilize standards-based assessment strategies in career and technology secondary education areas.

Classroom Management

EDU 515A Classroom and Risk Management for the STEM and Career Technology Educator
This course focuses on the study of teaching methods and classroom management techniques that facilitate the learning of students in Career and Technical Education settings, including risk management.

Academic Literacy

EDU 531A Academic Literacy for the STEM and Career Technology Educator
This course will focus on developing Academic literacy in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math education (STEM) and Career Technology Education (CTE) area of secondary education. Academic literacy stresses the development of reading and writing proficiency for acquiring knowledge across all content areas. Participants will learn strategies to improve the academic skills and practices that strengthen reading, writing, listening, speaking, and critical thinking abilities in the classroom.

Differentiated Instruction

EDU 876C Classroom Strategies for Teaching the Exceptional Child
This course introduces the participant to instructional issues for the exceptional child. Participants will explore strategies that facilitate learning for children with various disabilities including students with learning, intellectual, and behavioral disabilities, as well as intellectually gifted students in a typical school setting. The purpose of this course is to train educators in teaching and assessment techniques of exceptional students. Special attention is given to learning modalities and mainstreaming in the regular classroom setting.

For information on course offerings and schedules, please consult the current course schedule on our home page.

Pupil Personnel Worker Course Offerings

The office of Continuing Education offers courses for teachers to meet requirements for the Pupil Personnel Worker certification in Maryland.  Upon completion of the following courses, students may submit transcript documentation to the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) to seek Maryland Pupil Personnel Worker certification.  We encourage all students wishing to use these courses for Pupil Personnel Worker certification to have them approved by MSDE or their respective certification office prior to registration.  The Trinity transcript will reflect the completion of the respective courses; the transcript will not indicate completion of a degree or a certification program.

Courses that meet PPW Certification Requirements

In addition to the courses below, MSDE requires those seeking PPW Certification to have:

  • A master’s degree in pupil personnel or related field
  • 3 years of satisfactory teaching experience
  • 3 semester hours in inclusion of special needs student population (Trinity course EDU 893S)

Please visit the MSDE website for further information on certification requirements.

  1. School Law (required): EDU 856A Legal Issues in Education
  2. Adolescent Psychology: EDU 589H Human Growth and Development Secondary
  3. Multi-Cultural Issues: EDU 926 Multicultural Education
  4. Family Systems/Dynamics: EDU 510C Families of the 21st Century
  5. Delivery of Pupil Personnel Services and Programs: EDU 888 Delivery of Pupil Personnel Services and Supports
  6. Juvenile Delinquency: EDU 800 Juvenile Delinquency
  7. Education Assessment Interpretation:
    EDU 700D Introduction to Performance-Based Instruction/ Assessment
    EDU 824 Standardized Tests: Selection and Interpretation

Inclusion of Special Needs Population (additional required course): EDU 893S Introduction to Special Education

Course Descriptions

EDU 856A Legal Issues in Education  This course highlights major legal issues affecting teachers and administrators. Emphasis is placed upon legal issues such as negligence, desegregation, rights and responsibilities of teachers, academic freedom, students’ rights, and school attendance. This class is highly interactive with discussions, simulations, and case studies.

EDU 589H Human Growth and Development: Secondary This course examines the physical, cognitive, social emotional, and psychological aspects of adolescence from a developmental point of view. Theory and research of child development are explored and applied in practice sessions as possible solutions to unique challenges. Participants will review and analyze the ways in which adolescents interact within familial, school, and community settings.

EDU 926 Multicultural Education This course explores creative ways of making the classroom more inclusive and accepting of diversity. Cultural attitudes and values that affect how teachers and students relate to one another are examined. Concrete activities for developing appreciation of self and sensitivity to others are introduced.

EDU 510C Families of the 21st Century  This course familiarizes education professionals with the dynamics of dysfunctional families. The Systems theory, which provides the background for understanding how children interact in both family and education environment(s), is presented. Intervention strategies, which assist both teacher and student that will maximize learning, are discussed.

EDU 888 Delivery of Pupil Personnel Services and Supports This course is designed to provide an understanding of the role of the pupil personnel worker (PPW) as a child advocate and critical partner in the delivery of comprehensive student services. This course will address services and supports that are essential in the delivery of pupil services. Participants in this course will learn using current research, best practices, case studies, film clips, observation and small group simulations. This course will focus on the necessary linkages and collaborative partnerships that support the PPW in the delivery of services and supports to students, families and schools inclusive of , but not limited to, community services, crisis intervention, homeless supports, residency investigations, school discipline hearings, attendance intervention, inter-agency case management meetings, court referrals and restorative practices.

EDU 800 Juvenile Delinquency This course explores the nature, extent, and causes of juvenile delinquency. Causal factors that aid in treatment and prevention of juvenile delinquency are identified and analyzed. The course also identifies and examines current successful delinquency prevention programs.

EDU 700D Introduction to Performance-Based Instruction/ Assessment This course focuses on current research and practice in performance-based instruction and assessment. Participants will examine practices that support the development of students’ abilities to apply knowledge, skill and understanding in a real-world content.

EDU 824 Standardized Tests: Selection and Interpretation This course surveys the various achievement, aptitude, and personality instruments utilized in the school setting. Issues of selection and interpretation are addressed. Educators will gain hands-on experience with the instruments to achieve greater confidence in translating assessment results into practical direction for class instruction and lesson formulation.

EDU 893S Introduction to Special Education This course examines federal and state laws of special education, handicapped conditions, recognizing handicapped conditions, and referral and support systems.  This course introduces the special education child from the gifted to the severely/profoundly disabled. Attention will be directed toward legislation and core issues that currently influences the field of special education.