Sherron Washington ’03 ’05
P3 Solution
Sherron Washington is the founder and CEO of the P3 Solution, a full-service marketing and communications (marcomm) firm in the Washington, DC, region that specializes in providing easy marketing strategy, messaging, design and social media solutions for businesses.
She earned her undergraduate degree in communication from Trinity’s School of Professional Studies in 2003 and earned her master of arts in communication from Trinity’s School Business and Graduate Studies in 2005.
She is a marketing and communication professional who has imparted her wisdom and expertise for over two decades. She has been deemed “The Marketing Whisperer” by many, due to her uncanny ability to assist businesses in developing innovative, results-driven, yet, simple marcomm solutions.
She trains and facilitates sessions for multi-million dollar corporations such as Goldman Sachs and Events DC, instructing them on everything from generating leads and sales, to managing bias and conflict. She has taught graduate and undergraduate marketing and communication courses at Trinity for nearly two decades. In fall 2021, she was appointed visiting instructor in communication for Trinity’s undergraduate College of Arts and Sciences.