- Early Childhood Education, B.A.
- Elementary Education, B.A.
- Education (Minor)
- Community Education, B.A.
Courses Taught
EDTE 673 Student Teaching Elementary EducationEDTE 490 Practicum I
EDTE 473 Student Teaching Elementary Education
EDTE 471 Student Teaching Early Childhood Education
EDTE 422 Teaching Methods for Elementary Mathematics
EDTE 421 Emergent Literacy
EDTE 401 Classroom Assessment
EDTE 292 Praxis Preparation
EDCC 440 Research in Education
EDCC 340 Teaching and Learning
EDCC 250 Technology in Education
EDCM 402 Internship in Community Education II
EDCM 401 Internship in Community Education I
EDCM 301 Education in the Community
- B.S., Human Development/Prenatal Infancy Early Childhood Education, Howard University
- M.Ed., Educational Psychology, Howard University
- Ph.D., Educational Psychology, Howard University
- Identifying evidence-based practices that enhance teaching and learning for K-16 students
- Identifying new practical uses of Educational Assessments for the 21st century
- Student Engagement
- Teacher Student Relationship Quality
- Educational Equity and Excellence
Select Works Published
- Enhancing STEM Teaching and Learning at HBCUs: A Focus on Student Learning Outcomes.
Lee, J., Khalil, D., & Boykin, A. W., New Directions for Student Services, (167), 23-36, 2019
All students are capable of learning in demanding settings with high academic expectations. We must appreciate the lived experiences that our students bring with them into the learning environment and utilize those experiences as a gateway to engage the learner with the course content. My vocation as an educator is to help students become change agents, knowledge producers, and reflective practitioners committed to improving teaching, learning, and research in urban and other diverse settings.