Courses Taught
MATH 101 Introductory AlgebraMAT 102 College Algebra
MATH 108 Finite Mathematics
MATH 109 Foundations of Mathematics
MATH 110 Introduction to Statistics
MATH 123 Pre-Calculus
MATH 125 Calculus & Analytic Geometry I
MATH 210 Statistical Inference
MATH 225 Calculus & Analytic Geometry II
MATH 301 Linear Algebra
MATH 315 Mathematical Probability & Statistics
MATH 325 Multi-Variable Calculus
MATH 327 Differential Equations
MATH 331 Intro to Abstract Mathematics
MATH 341 Discrete Math & Math Modeling
MATH 371 History of Mathematics
MATH 403 Abstract Algebra I
MATH 431 Real Analysis I
MATH 437 Complex Variables
MATH 499 Senior Seminar in Mathematics
- B.S., Applied Mathematics, University of Science and Technology of China
- M.S., Mathematics, Anhui University, China
- Ph.D., Mathematics, University of Maryland, College Park
- Differential Equations
- Mathematical Modeling
- Honorary Professor, Anhui University, China
- Finalist (top 20), Drazek Teaching Excellence Award, University of Maryland, University College, 2005
Select Works Published
- Modeling Interactions of Insurgency and Counterinsurgency by Differential Equations
The Washington Center's 2008 Summer Professorship and the Office of the Secretary of Defense/PA&E/Joint Data Support,
I have always believed that a teacher must love teaching in order to deliver the best teaching. Successful classroom teaching is based on two-way communication. Effective math teaching includes not only classroom instruction but also tutoring students individually and advising them on topics such as appropriate educational programs and career opportunities. More importantly, students should be actively engaged rather than being passively receiving mathematics concepts. The learning-teaching environment is a critical factor of success in mathematics/statistics learning.