Trinity Newsroom Director, Chaz Muth, awarded Multimedia Journalist of the Year by Catholic Media Association.
Dear students and colleagues,
With much pride and joy, I am so pleased to tell you of the great success and well-deserved recognition for Chaz Muth, Director of Trinity’s Newsroom and advisor to the Trinity Times. At the recent gathering of the Catholic Media Association, Chaz’s outstanding work with the Catholic News Service received recognition in the form of nine first place awards including first prize as the Multimedia Journalist of the Year! Chaz received an additional 13 awards in other categories. Some of these awards were shared with our good friend and excellent journalist Carol Zimmerman with whom Chaz worked closely during their years at CNS.
One of Chaz’s first place awards is for a beautiful photo portrait of our very own Father Stephen Thorne.
Many of the awards that Chaz and Carol Zimmerman received were for their podcasts and news stories about racism and the Catholic Church.
We are so fortunate that Chaz chose Trinity for the next phase of his professional career after the US Bishops Conference decided to shutter the Catholic News Service. That’s another whole story, but what a gain for Trinity! In just one short year, Chaz has built the Newsroom and organized a staff of student reporters who are doing outstanding work reporting on numerous issues at Trinity and in the larger community. If you have not yet checked out the Trinity Times, please do so — and read the most recent amazing series on community organizers and activists! This is the kind of insightful work that Trinity students are doing with Chaz’s guidance.
I am also so pleased to announce that thanks to the successful first year of the Newsroom and the Trinity Times, Trinity has received a second $200,000 grant from the Evelyn Y. Davis Foundation that will support continuing build-out of the Newsroom to include studio space for podcasts and video. Many thanks to Barbara Goliday, Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations, who worked with Chaz and the folks at the Davis Foundation to land this additional grant.
All students may participate in the work of the Newsroom and Trinity Times — it’s not just for JAMS or SCPR majors! Every discipline has angles and stories that are worthy of news reporting through the Trinity Times. Consider joining the reporting team when the new academic year begins in August!
Congratulations again to Chaz! Thanks for your great work!
With much delight in this success,
President Pat McGuire