Sr. Mary Johnson, SNDdeN, Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Religious Studies at Trinity, is the researcher and co-author of “Migration for Mission: International Catholic Sisters in the United States,” published by Oxford University Press in March 2019.
Patterns of migration for the purpose of religious mission are an unexamined dimension of the immigration narrative. Catholic sisters from many countries around the world come to the United States to minister and to study. Sociologists from Trinity Washington University and CARA at Georgetown University combined forces to document and understand this contemporary and historical phenomenon. Together, they located more than 4,000 “international sisters” who are currently in the United States for formation, studies, or ministry, from 83 countries spread over six continents. Through surveys, focus groups, and interviews, they heard the stories of these sisters and learned of their joys and satisfactions as well as their struggles and challenges.
This book examines the experience of these sisters in depth and offers valuable suggestions for religious institutes, Catholic dioceses and parishes, and others who benefit from their contributions. More broadly, this book also raises awareness of immigration issues at a time of great contention in the public policy debate in the United States. Illustrated with instructive graphics and tables, it is an accessible and inviting resource for academics and the media, as well as bishops, and leaders of Catholic health care, social service, education, pastoral, and philanthropic institutions.
The cover photo for the book was taken on Trinity’s campus by Timothy Russell, associate vice president for creative services at Trinity Washington University.
Read the positive review this book received in Global Sisters Report, a project of the National Catholic Reporter: “A groundbreaking study of foreign-born sisters in the United States.”
The book is available from Oxford University Press and Amazon.