President Pat McGuire’s Welcome Message
Important Information About Office Hours – On-campus and Virtually!
Check out Trinity’s Opening of School calendar, including class start dates (some classes have already started!). College of Arts and Sciences classes begin Tuesday, September 8, 2020.
August 17, 2020
Dear Trinity Students and Colleagues,
Welcome to the Fall 2020 semester! How exciting to get classes underway at Trinity once more! This week on Tuesday, August, 18, Term 1 classes begin for students in SPS, BGS and NHP. Weekly classes for those units and EDU begin next Monday, August 24, and daytime classes for CAS begin after Labor Day on September 8. Resident students start moving in this weekend and for the next three weeks by appointment only. Check the website for the full slate of dates for your academic unit. Most of the professional school courses are online, with some exceptions for NHP. CAS classes are a blend of face-to-face, hybrid and online. Please check your course schedules for the format of your classes.
With a new semester, we return to straw polls!! There is so much to talk about this year, and these polls help us to get a sense of the thinking and needs of our Trinity campus community. Our first straw poll of the Fall 2020 semester asks you about the impact of coronavirus, your needs for Fall 2020, and what you are thinking about the upcoming election. All in just five questions! Please take a few minutes to answer right now!
As a reminder, I will be having “Campus Conversations” every Thursday at 4 pm on Zoom starting this Thursday – everyone may join. Please check your Trinity e-mail for the Zoom link.
Important Information About Office Hours on Campus and Virtually
As we launch the Fall 2020 semester, we will have some campus offices and services “open” with limited hours and rotational staffing to keep density low in this pandemic period. In general, we ask that you continue to use online services where at all possible, limiting your visits to offices to matters that really cannot be resolved by email or phone. If you do need face-to-face service, it’s best to call ahead to make an appointment.
You are welcome to come to campus to use the open lounge and study spaces in the Library, Payden Center and Main Hall. Wifi has been boosted throughout the campus. You must observe the “Essential Expectations” rules while on campus including wearing a mask, maintaining 6 foot distances, and not congregating in groups.
Please note that we are not charging student parking fees this semester and you may park on campus upon showing your ID. If you do not have a Trinity ID yet, please show some other form of identification to get onto campus. To get a new student ID, you can make an appointment via Starfish, and we will also have ID-making hours in Social Hall from 9 am to 2 pm starting on August 17 and walk-in service is available if there are no lines.
We will update you on any changes to the following hours of operation:
Trinity General Office Hours:
For all offices including Enrollment Services, Admissions, Financial Aid, Academic Advising, Business Office, Student Affairs, Academic Affairs and Deans’ Offices:
- 9 am – 5 pm, Monday-Friday
- NO Saturday office hours until further notice
Library Hours:
- 10:00 am -7:00 pm, Monday – Friday
- 10:00 am – 4:00 pm, Saturday
- 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm, Sunday
Dining Service Hours:
Seating in the dining hall is limited, therefore, we ask anyone who is not a resident student to use the “grab and go” option and not plan on eating in the dining hall. Note that the Deli is not open.
“Grab and Go” Options available all day during operating hours.
Monday through Thursday: Operating Hours 8 am to 7 pm with served meals as follows:
- 9 am – 10:30 am: Breakfast
- 11:30 am – 1:30 pm: Lunch
- 4 pm – 5:30 pm: Dinner
Friday: Served meal times same as above with operating hours ending at 6:30 pm.
Saturday and Sunday
- 11:30 am – 1:30 pm : Brunch
- 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm: Dinner
Shuttle Service Resumes on Tuesday, September 1:
Please note that because the campus shuttle must maintain social distancing, the seating capacity is limited. The shuttle will pick up and drop off at the Main Hall back door only, and will try to maintain a 20 minute loop to the Metro station.
- 7 am – 7 pm: Monday-Saturday
- NO Sunday Shuttle hours
Bookstore Hours:
- August 3 – 28: 10:00 am-2:00 pm, Monday through Thursday
- August 31 – September 18: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday
- September 21: Regular semester service resumes
Technology Services:
- 9 am – 5 pm, Monday-Thursday, in office
- 9 am – 5 pm, Friday and Saturday, virtual services
Trinity Sports Center:
We are working on a plan to have the Trinity Center open some hours for use of students, faculty and staff only. We will provide the information as soon as it is available.
Communications and Campus Conversations:
I will be sending out regular updates to the campus community about all of the issues that concern us this year. As usual, please don’t hesitate to let me know what’s on your mind. Sending me an email at is the most effective way to reach me – I read and respond to all emails every day.
Also, as a reminder, I will be having “Campus Conversations” every Thursday at 4 pm. Check your Trinity email from me for the Zoom link.
May you have a healthy and successful fall semester! Welcome Back!
With many best wishes to all,
President Pat McGuire