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Dr. Denyse Barkley

Assistant Professor of Nursing


Courses Taught

SNHP 501 Theoretical Foundations
SNHP 600 Instructional Strategies for Effective
NURS 330 Nurs Research & Evidence-Based Prac


  • B.S.N., Nursing, University of Maryland
  • M.S.N., Nursing, Howard University
  • Ph.D., Educational Psychology, Howard University


  • NCLEX Tutoring
  • Test-Taking Strategies and Mentoring


The adult learner has been a wonderful and challenging teacher for me. I believe in student-centered learning (SCL) and welcome the active participant into the classroom. I want the adult learner involved in the teaching/learning process with me to feel empowered. The learning space is not always the traditional classroom and I am excited about that transition in nursing education. I embrace the learning environment whether it is the classroom, online, or in an actual or virtual clinical setting. I continue to seek out new information and technology that will enhance my skills in the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains of learning.