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Making Your Education Affordable
Your education at Trinity is a great investment in your future success! Thousands of Trinity graduates report high levels of satisfaction and strong earnings thanks to their Trinity degrees.
Trinity makes your investment affordable by keeping tuition low and providing generous grants, scholarships and other forms of financial aid.
- Trinity’s tuition is the lowest among private universities in the Washington DC region;
- 100% of Trinity’s full-time undergraduates receive financial aid, with many receiving grants and scholarships that cover almost all tuition and even some living expenses;
- Professional undergraduates and graduate students may be eligible for grants and other forms of financial aid; many employers have tuition support programs as well.
Learn more about how Trinity helps you to get a great return on your investment.
Which School is Right for You?
Explore all 70+ programs or choose the school that’s right for you!
College of Arts & Sciences
Empowering women leaders with a wide range of academic majors and an engaging campus community.
School of Professional and Grduate Studies
Evening and weekend undergraduate and graduate programs on Trinity’s main campus and Trinity at THEARC in southeast DC.
School of Education
Expanding career opportunities for current and aspiring teachers and school administrators through degree programs, certificates and Continuing Ed classes for educators.
School of Nursing & Health Professions
Co-ed undergraduate and graduate programs providing superior preparation for careers in nursing, counseling, occupational therapy and health services.