Celebrating Achievements: Fellowships, Awards, Lectures
Join us in celebrating the success of our students and colleagues who bring so much glory to Trinity!
Florence Njoroge ’25: 2024 SUREFiN Fellow of the Simons Foundation!
Senior Biochemistry major Florence Njoroge has been a high achiever throughout her Trinity career. Her latest achievement places her among an elite group of student scientists conducting undergraduate research at major laboratories. Florence is joined by students from other distinguished universities such as Columbia, Carnegie Mellon, Georgetown, Michigan State, Ohio State, Johns Hopkins and many others being named the 2024 Class of Neuroscience Undergraduate Research Fellows. Florence’s fellowship has her doing research neuroscience in the Rosenblau Lab at George Washington University.
Dr. Kimberly Monroe, Assistant Professor of Global Affairs: Proud Shoes Book Fellowship!
Dr. Monroe is a prolific writer, researcher, teacher and leader in the development of Trinity’s curricula and programs in Africana Studies, History and Global Affairs. She has already won numerous awards, and her latest achievement is the Proud Shoes Book Fellowship, which provides critical feedback to new authors toward completion of a full-length book of scholarly work.
Mr. Bezil I. Taylor, Social Work Program Field Director, Keynote Address at Regional College Hunger Conference!
Join us in congratulating and thanking Mr. Taylor for being chosen to deliver the keynote address at this very important conference. The conference will be held Friday, October 18, from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., on the Northern Virginia Community College campus in Annandale, Va, and is organized by The Capital Area Food Bank, The Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area, and Northern Virginia Community College.
President Patricia McGuire: gives keynote address to group of thought leaders in philanthropy and higher education working on the question of how higher education can do more to protect our Democracy!
President McGuire gave a keynote address to a gathering of higher education thought leaders and philanthropists who are addressing ways for higher education to be more effective in promoting and protecting Democracy. The talk has been published on the President’s blog.

Earlier Celebrating Trinity Achievements
Trinity Nursing Students top the National Nursing Exam First Time Pass Rates
Trinity has recently received the annual report on the NCLEX first time pass rates from the National Council of State Boards of Nursing. NCLEX is the required exam for Nursing licensure, typically taken within a few weeks of graduation. Nursing Schools are assessed based on the pass rates of graduates who take the exam for the first time.
The report shows that Trinity’s first-time NCLEX pass rate of 95.35% in 2023-2024 surpasses the first-time pass rate for all test takers in the United States and all in D.C. This puts Trinity’s Nursing Program in an elite category of very high performing schools. gratulations to Nursing Program Director Dr. Carrie O’Reilly and the entire Nursing faculty for this stellar achievement, to the students and graduates who worked so hard to achieve these great scores, and to Dean Brigid Noonan for her very careful oversight of the program.
This success is also underscored by federal data that shows Trinity nurses earning a median salary of $92,897 four years after graduation, the highest four-year earnings among all of the Nursing schools in D.C. Our excellent team in Trinity Nursing adhere to very high standards and the results are clear in the performance of our graduates. All hospitals and health providers in the Washington region seek out Trinity Nursing grads. You may encounter Trinity nurses at just about every hospital, clinic or provider.
Nursing Senior Jeff Wetzel ’25
Jeff earned a scholarship from the Virginia State Council of the Emergency Nurses Association to travel and attend Emergency Nursing 2024, the annual conference of the Emergency Nurses Association, in Las Vegas this September. He spent three days attending seminars, getting hands-on training, and networking in preparation of joining the nursing workforce next year. He recommends you look into student memberships in the professional organizations of your future career, your opportunity awaits!

Earlier Celebrating Trinity Achievements
Dr. Nicole Betschman, Program Director for our Public Health and Health Services Programs named President of DCPHA
Dr. Betschman has become President of the D.C. Public Health Association (DCPHA). What a great honor and recognition of her talent in the public health field! An affiliate of the American Public Health Association (APHA), DCPHA protects and promotes personal, public and environmental health; shares knowledge and expertise to resolve health problems; advocates for governmental action to meet health needs;; and promotes continuing education for the allied health workforce. At Trinity, Dr. Betschman’s students know her as a tireless advocate for health initiatives. She led the way in securing a Truth Initiative grant to eradicate smoking on campus. She has been a member of Mayor Bowser’s Healthcare Workforce Task Force. She has built the Community Health Worker certificate and degree programs as well as the baccalaureate and master’s programs in Public Health. She has joined forces with the D.C. Department of Employment Services to open more pathways for D.C. residents to earn credentials in healthcare, particularly in Wards 7 and 8.
Psychology Senior Hewan Deyass ‘25 IGNITE Conference Travel Grant winner
Hewan is the recipient of a 2024 IGNITE Conference Travel Grant that will enable her to go to New York in November to participate in IGNITE, the research conference of Psi Chi, the Psychology Honor Society.
Onjali Mceachin ‘24 wins prestigious Boeing Scholarship
Recent Trinity graduate Onjali Mceachin won a prestigious two-year Boeing scholarship to support her postgraduate study in the Masters in Engineering Program at Virginia Tech. A Math major at Trinity, Onjali was also a Clare Boothe Luce Scholar and a member of Phi Beta Kappa.
New Trinity Partnership with the Environmental Protection Agency
On August 22, Trinity staff, students, and faculty joined President McGuire and representatives from the Environmental Protection Agency in the Rose Parlor for signing an MOU between the EPA and Trinity to open up a new partnership for student internships and research, with an emphasis on the Chesapeake Bay. Dr. Patrice Nielson, who leads our Environmental Justice Program, led the creation of this MOU, working closely with Dr. Shizuka Hsieh. Dr. Kandis Boyd, EPA Senior Advisor who spoke at our Environmental Symposium two years ago helped push for the MOU, and was also present. Senior Cecilia Rivas ’25 represented our students at this event. We were honored to host EPA Deputy Administrator Janet McCabe who spoke with great admiration of Trinity’s work on environmental education.

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